Coming Out of the Closet...What Your Wardrobe Should and Should Not Include
By Adele Mahan
Summer is coming to an end and with the season changing it is the perfect time to clean out your closets. The process is quick and simple if you follow a few helpful guidelines.
Wait to do any fall shopping until after you have organized. Take inventory of what you own and make a list of what you need before heading to the stores.
What every wardrobe should include:
Undergarments. Consider mom’s advice and be sure your undergarments are clean, without holes and fit properly. Socks should be paired together. The old and worn should be discarded. If your drawers are full you probably have too much. Freshen up, buy some new!
Tip: If your socks seem to disappear, clip together with a safety pin before throwing in the wash.
Special Occasions. Funeral Outfit - be sure you have an appropriate outfit on hand at all times. Wedding Outfit – guys should have a suit and ladies a dress or two. Work Clothes - comfortable, messy outfit for doing those home projects. Regulars – work, week-end, and exercise. Think back to the last couple of months and take note of the things you actually wore and only keep those items.
Once you have checked off all the things your wardrobe should include, now consider these rules to help you downsize your closet.
What every wardrobe should not include:
Never Worn - If you didn't wear it this season, you most likely won’t wear it next year either.
Wrong Size – If it doesn’t fit now, let it go. If your weight changes, the styles will have changed as well.
Uncomfortable – If it is itchy, or doesn’t fit properly you will never wear it.
Bad Purchase – If you don’t wear an item shortly after purchasing, chances are there is a reason. Take it back and get a refund before it’s too late and becomes just another piece of clutter in your closet. If the tags are still attached you probably could sell it.
Duplicates – Sort and bring similar pieces together to see the big picture. If you find, for example, that you have 10 pairs of brown shoes, it will be easy to pick out the ones you like best and get rid of the rest.
Wrong Lifestyle – Consider your lifestyle and remove the clothing you no longer need. Retirees, this is a great time to thin out those work clothes.
Okay, mark a time on your calendar and get started! Don’t let your emotions get the best of you, just go down the list, it’s simple. You will appreciate your organized closet that is easier to manage and give your fall wardrobe a “fresh start.”
Age in Place Tip: If you have a physical limitation that makes dressing difficult, consider installing a grab bar in front of a chair or stool in a designated space for dressing. This could be located in a closet, bedroom wall or bathroom.
About the Author
 | Adele Mahan, Fresh Start Transitions, LLC 3241 Tatting Road Matthews, NC 28105 7043071112
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